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기타 [vb.net] Select Case

페이지 정보

작성자 하나를하더라도최선을
댓글 0건 조회 18,184회 작성일 19-10-25 12:12


    Select Case aa

        Case 1 To 1.49


        Case 1.5 To 2


        Case Else

            MsgBox("was lower than 1 or higher than 2 or between 1.49 and 1.5")

    End Select

this(below) would go into case else

   Dim aa As Double = 1.499

this(below) will go into case 1 to 1.49

   Dim aa As Double = 1.4

this(below) will go into case 1.5 to 2

   Dim aa As Double = 1.78

other way of doing it: From here

    Select Case value

        Case Is <= 49.99

            Debug.WriteLine("first group")

        Case Is <= 99.99

            Debug.WriteLine("second group")

        Case Is <= 199.99

            Debug.WriteLine("third group")

        Case Else

            Debug.WriteLine("fourth group")

    End Select

and maybe this too:

    Select Case true

        Case (value >= 0 andalso value <= 49.99)

            Debug.WriteLine("first group")

        Case (value >= 50 andalso value <= 99.99)

            Debug.WriteLine("second group")

        Case (value >= 100 andalso value <= 199.99)

            Debug.WriteLine("third group")

        Case Else

            Debug.WriteLine("fourth group")

    End Select


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